Author, The Silent History, an interactive novel for iOS
Collaborated with another fiction writer, an editor, and an application designer to create The Silent History, a groundbreaking novel written and designed specifically for iOS devices. The novel tells the story of a generation of children born without the ability to speak or understand language, and it is presented as an oral history complete with testimonials from those impacted by the effects of Silence as well as field reports – eyewitness accounts that are accessible only in the geographic location in which they occurred. In this way, we were able to map a fictional world on top of the real world in an experience that Wired called, “entirely revolutionary.”
Author, The Pickle Index, an interactive novella for iOS
Collaborated with editor Eli Horowitz on the story and worldbuilding for a digital/print experience entitled The Pickle Index, a dystopian comedy about a forlorn circus troupe falsely accused of fomenting terror. The Pickle Index is a social narrative experience told in ten days. It can be read in print or on an iOS device, or a combination of the two. Readers are invited to take on the role of citizens of the repressive regime in which the characters live, and they can communicate with one another via an underground network brought to life vividly on their phone or tablet.